Sculpt Gardens | Design + Build

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Sculpt Gardens is a San Francisco landscape design + build company that creates custom, low-maintenance, practical gardens. We work with you to create not just the garden of your dreams, but an additional outdoor living space. We bring decades of experience and, unlike many landscaping companies, we design and we build.

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Elements and Details

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john steuernagel

John Steuernagel is a third-generation ornamental horticulturist with over 30 years experience, carrying on his family’s reputation for thoughtful, quality landscaping. He has a thorough knowledge of all styles of landscape design, and a gift for creating designs that combine utility with aesthetic beauty. He will spend countless hours at the drafting table visualizing and planning your space before ever breaking ground. Once he starts a project, John mentors and leads his dedicated staff through each project. You will not find a designer who is on-site more, from conception to completion, doing what he loves most, which is attentively sculpting nature. He is a multi-faceted artist and master craftsman: a stonemason and hardscape specialist, a carpenter, a mechanic, and a naturalist. John takes great pride in the specifics of his hand-drawn, simple, and graceful designs, and he puts his heart and soul into each garden.

John Steuernagel

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Danielle Steuernagel

Danielle Steuernagel has always been a nature enthusiast, hailing from the woods of Western Massachusetts. There she met her future husband, Sculpt designer and co-founder John Steuernagel. Danielle worked as an elite event planner for over a decade, organizing high-end parties for corporate clients such as MTV Networks, Audi, and Fox Broadcasting. In this high-stress and fast-paced career, she learned the art of both design and client relations. Eventually, Danielle turned her talents to the family business. Danielle runs the Sculpt office and also works alongside John as an “ exterior designer,” helping dial in the details that match the vision. She finds the highest-quality vendors and understands the latest trends and innovations in design. With an eye for detail and organizational prowess, she keeps each job on track. Danielle is accessible to the client at every phase, from design to building to maintenance.

Danielle Steuernagel

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Tim Barritt

Born in England, Tim moved to America in 1982, landing in Florida, where he first started landscaping. He moved to San Francisco in 1992 to work for a large landscape construction company, where he met John Steuernagel. After 16 years working as an irrigation and lighting specialist, he joined the Sculpt team. Tim is a conscientious, crafty leader, with a wry sense of humor. He enjoys time with his partner Cat and their son Francis.

Tim Barritt

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carlos tupul

Carlos was born in Guatemala in a small farming community and worked in the cornfields in his youth. Our youngest employee, Carlos moved to San Francisco at age 18 and began working for a general contractor in San Bruno. He has learned many different crafts, but specializes in carpentry and masonry. Carlos is a trusted worker who will eagerly take his hand to anything, working with care and precision.

Carlos Tupul

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james calder

James hails from a small farming village in France and moved to the Bay Area at age 17. He has been landscaping and gardening ever since. James has focused on working with local landscapers and developing his own client base. He is a highly motivated individual who enjoys working with plants and whose happy demeanor on the job is contagious. When not hard at work with Sculpt, James can be found foraging for wild mushrooms and riding his dual sport motorcycle everywhere.

James Calder

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[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”50px”][qode_circles columns=”five_columns” circle_line=”with_line”][qode_circle type=”text_type” link_target=”_blank” title=”PHONE CONSULT” border_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#ffffff” text=”Schedule a 30-minute initial phone consultation to assess if Sculpt gardens is the right Design + Build for your outdoor living project.” text_in_circle=”START HERE” font_size=”20″ link=””][qode_circle type=”text_type” title=”GARDEN THERAPY” border_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#ffffff” text=”Meet with John and Danielle in your space to imagine integrating your visions and lifestyle with the Sculpt design. Topics explored include desired features – outdoor kitchen, heated furniture, cedar hot tub, water features – along with needs like screening and privacy.” text_in_circle=”1″ font_size=”40″][qode_circle type=”text_type” title=”DESIGN” text=”Wait for the magic. John and Danielle share a passion for elements of both traditional and modern design, using influences that range from their shared past in the hardwood forests and traditional gardens of the East Coast, to a more wild and free California coastal look.” border_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#ffffff” text_in_circle=”2″ font_size=”40″][qode_circle type=”text_type” title=”TRANSFORM” text=”Watch the Sculpt team get to work. Unlike most designers, John is onsite every day, keeping the integrity of the original design and adding to it as the job progresses, and that is what makes every garden a work of art. Danielle and John hold weekly on-site meetings with the client to make sure new ideas are explored, potential problems are ironed out, and client input is incorporated at each phase of construction.” border_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#ffffff” text_in_circle=”3″ font_size=”40″][qode_circle type=”text_type” title=”MAINTAIN” text=”As your garden grows and matures, it can and will change dramatically. Sculpt will continue its relationship with your living work of art. The team creates a schedule to maintain and oversee your garden, to assure that the original intent of the design shines forever.” border_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#ffffff” text_in_circle=”4″ font_size=”40″][/qode_circles][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”grid” angled_section=”no” text_align=”center” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern” padding_top=”50″ padding_bottom=”20″][vc_column][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1436375879046{padding-top: 20px !important;}”]

Read about the history and evolution of Sculpt Gardens.

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  • Interior Design Magazine

    Party-Ready San Francisco Pad

  • San Francisco Chronicle

    Read about John and Danielle’s home, a renovated 1906 earthquake cottage.

  • Designboom

    Sculpt Gardens partners with Cass Calder Smith to create mirrored garden.

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  • San Francisco Magazine

    The Complex Gardener

  • Spaces Magazine

    Sculpt Gardens urban garden oasis featured in January 2017 issue.

  • Modern Gardens Magazine

    Gravel Walkway Featured

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Sculpt Gardens Inc. Landscape Design + Construction

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Schedule a phone consultation today to discuss how Sculpt might help with your outdoor living project
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Email your project address and anything you’d like to share with us.
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©2023 Sculpt Gardens, Inc
